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What challenges does energy storage face?

Challenges faced by energy storage

Water pumping

High implementation cost. Although the cost has been declining in the past decade, batteries still require high investment for many companies.

The storage system lacks standardization.

Obsolete regulatory policies and market design. ​

Although the energy transformation is in full swing, the challenge of energy storage has not been solved, and the technological progress in this field is relatively slow.

In the 21st century, if the energy transformation needs to be realized as soon as possible, there are still some challenges in battery and storage. These challenges need to be addressed in the coming years.

In the absence of effective standardization, each manufacturer makes its own battery. This usually brings challenges to projects that develop over time, because the storage system does not always meet the needs of the project, and sometimes the battery needs to be replaced.

As was the case when new technologies emerged, regulation was not always updated before it was established and demonstrated the urgent need for regulation.


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