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What are the three types of energy storage?

Battery. There are many types of batteries, including lithium ion batteries, liquid flow batteries, lead-acid batteries, sodium batteries and other batteries designed to meet specific power and duration requirements.


● Battery

Different types of batteries are liquid flow batteries, in which energy is stored and provided by two chemicals dissolved in liquid and stored in tanks. These are ideal for long term storage.


● Thermal systems use heating and cooling methods to store and release energy

For example, molten salt stores the heat generated by solar energy for use when there is no sunlight. Ice storage in buildings reduces the need to run compressors while still providing air conditioning for hours. Other systems use chilled water and dispatcheable hot water heaters. In all cases, the excess energy will charge the storage system (heating molten salt, freezing water, etc.) and then release it as needed.

● Emerging technologies

Compressed air, superconducting magnets, underground pumped storage and hydrogen storage are all new forms of energy storage at different stages of development. Like NYSERDA, many storage providers are technology agnostic – they can use their software to schedule different storage technologies and will purchase storage technologies from the manufacturing partners that best suit site requirements.


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