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How to store a lot of energy?

Energy can be stored in a variety of ways, including:

Pumping water and electricity

Electricity is used to pump water into the reservoir. When water is released from the reservoir, it flows through the turbine to generate electricity.

Compressed air

Electricity is used to compress air to 1000 pounds per square inch and store it in underground caves. When power demand is high, compressed air is released and power is generated by an expansion turbine generator.

Free wheel

Electric power is used to accelerate the flywheel (a kind of rotor), through which the energy is saved as kinetic rotating energy. When energy is needed, the rotational force of the flywheel is used to turn the generator. Some flywheels use magnetic bearings, which operate in vacuum to reduce resistance and can reach 60000 revolutions per minute.


Similar to common rechargeable batteries, very large batteries can store power when needed. These systems can use lithium ion, lead acid, lithium iron or other battery technologies.

Thermal energy storage

Electricity can be used to generate heat and can be stored until needed. For example, electricity can be used to produce chilled water or ice during periods of low demand and then for cooling during periods of peak power consumption.


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